воскресенье, 4 марта 2012 г.

The package of insurance services for auto

After all, the cheapest insurance package is often able to cover only a portion of the damage resulting from accident damage - the rest of the driver will have to reimburse out of pocket. The minimum benefit package does not cover many items of expenditure in road incident guilty parties, in particular the cost of parking and towing of vehicles affected, payment of court costs, compensation for loss of profits from the downtime and time spent on the design-time accidents and the like.

It is noteworthy that in the U.S. insurance companies offer additional services to people who are in an accident. For example in Florida, a man whose car was dented on the repair of his car (about one week), the insurance company issued another vehicle of the same class (pickup). This you can see a short video of "our" people in America.

Keep in mind!

Given Americans' love for all kinds of trials, often the costs of compensation by the guilty party reach six-figure sums. If the amount exceeds the amount of lawsuit insurance cover, due to the culprit accident instantly becomes available to the insurance company and a bailiff.

Therefore, the majority of Americans, particularly those with their own business, appreciate your time and money, tend to best protect themselves from such surprises by giving all possible costs for insurers. This to them is to take an example!

In the United States, there are many insurance companies that offer a choice of many different insurance plans. How much is the average cost?

For example, in New York, 40-year-old married man with a middle class car 2007 release, nochuyuschuyu in the garage safe "sleeping" area, where a day is necessary in business and family to drive about 20 miles, will pay $ 2,500 a yearas an insurance premium. For comparison - in Washington this amount - about $ 1,000.

A number of large insurance companies in general may refuse to insure drivers who have fallen in the "high risk". It is also worth bearing in mind.

We suggest you also read additional information about this topic: what car insurance

Before talking about auto insurance, we think that it is very interesting for you to display information about how much cheaper to buy a car in the USA. Thus, the prices of cars in America - in comparison with similar prices in Russia.

Auto Insurance in the United States. Terms and prices. Discover our America!

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